After taking photos of birthday parties throughout the last few months, I realised a few trends in our cakes and birthday parties which are very interesting.
Firstly, aesthetic value of the cake itself increases with each birthday party.
2009-02-18 Sylvie's Birthday
2009-03-22 Pamela's & Mengke's Birthday
2009-04-07 Gretal's Birthday
2009-04-14 Galen's Birthday

2009-04-24 Hua Peng's Birthday
Secondly, we have generally fewer and fewer candles each time.
17 to 1 to 3 to 1 to 3
Last of all
, the number of lighted candles always remain constant... none.
In conclusion, we will continue this tradition of not lighting any candle during a birthday party and continue the tradition of blowing out unlighted candles.